General Sports Wagering Rules
- The EQC reserves the right to refuse any wager, and/or delete or limit selections, prior to the acceptance of any wager.
- The EQC determines minimum and maximum wagers on all sports events.
- Please check your tickets for accuracy before leaving the wagering window. Leaving the window with the ticket is deemed an acceptance of the wager by both parties.
- The EQC is not responsible for lost, stolen, altered or unreadable tickets. Lost or stolen ticket claims may be paid upon presentation of supporting information or documentation. In the absence of such documentation, the EQC reserves the right to wait at least one year after the conclusion of the event to make its decision regarding payment.
- Sports wagering tickets are honored for ninety (90) days after the date of the event. Vouchers are honored for ninety (90) days after date of issuance. Winning tickets may be mailed in for redemption. Refer to reverse side of wagering ticket for mail-in redemption instructions. The EQC is not responsible for tickets not mailed pursuant to instructions on the reverse side of the ticket.
- Identification information is required to be presented at certain thresholds of wagers and payouts in accordance with State and Federal regulations.
- The EQC patrons are notified of odds or line changes in the following manner:
- The EQC reserves the right to add, change, or delete the payout ratio limits.
- The EQC reserves the right to add, change, or delete its House Rules, subject to regulatory approval.
- The EQC does not accept the past posting of wagers, in such cases the wager may be refunded, or where the outcome of the event is already known, in all such cases the wager is refunded.
- The EQC accepts wagers on currently posted terms unless otherwise posted or noted on printed media.
- No wagers may be accepted or paid by the EQC on the following:
- On any sport or athletic event offered or sponsored by a public or private institution that offers education services beyond a secondary level that is located within the state of Washington;
- On greyhound racing;
- By any person who is a prohibited person, which includes any person who:
is under the age of 21;
is placing a wager as an agent or proxy;
is a self-excluded person;
is an athlete whose performance may be used to determine, in whole or in part, the outcome of such wagering;
is an athlete, player, coach, manager, referee or other game official, physician, trainer, team employee or governing body employee, in any sports event overseen by such person's sport’s governing body;
holds a position of authority or influence sufficient to exert influence over the participants in a sporting event that is the subject of a wager;
has access to material, exclusive, non-public confidential information about a sports event that is the subject of such wagering; or
may otherwise undermine or influence the integrity of the wagering or the sporting event.
- The EQC prohibits wagers on any single sport or athletic event in which any collegiate team from the state of Washington or individual competing through a collegiate program from the state of Washington (a “prohibited collegiate participant”) participates regardless of where the event takes place. A prohibited sports event does not include the other games of a collegiate sport or athletic tournament in which a Washington collegiate team or athlete participates.
- In the event a prohibited college participant finishes as the winner of a futures market, the second place team (or highest placing team that is not prohibited) is considered the winner for purposes of settling the futures market (i.e. Washington wins the NCAA men’s basketball championship, the team they beat in the final is considered the champion,
- Management maintains a record of all point spreads, odds, final scores, and related wagering proposition statistics and outcomes to protect both the patron and the EQC in case of obvious mechanical or human error.
- Canceled events that have either not started or have not met the minimum length for an event to be official, result in straight wagers being cancelled. Parlays that involve a canceled event reduce to the next lower number of selections.
- All future wagers are “action” as long as a winner is officially declared, unless otherwise posted or noted on printed media.
Types of sporting events offered are those submitted to and/or approved by the WSGC and PTGA.